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European Patients’ Rights Day

European Charter of Patients' Rights

April 18, 2022

April 18 is European Patients’ Rights Day (EPRD).

More specifically, this charter proclaims:

  • The right to information (“access to all that scientific research and technological innovation makes available”),
  • The right to consent for any procedure or treatment, but also for participation in clinical trials,
  • The right to innovation (“right of access to innovative procedures, including diagnostic procedures”), which implies the right of access to treatments or medical devices assessed in clinical trials.

The European Clinical Trials Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 536/2014) also aims to guarantee the rights of patients, and all of the medical writers at Synergy Pharm/Santé Active Edition are committed to ensuring that information relating to compliance with ethical standards and good clinical practice is clearly stated in publications reporting the results of clinical trials.